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Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture

Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture

1521  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Kniha představuje 40 nejnovějších a nejzajímavějších krajinných projektů. Každý je zdokumentován zasvěceným textem, fotografiemi, plánky atd. Kniha není jen zdrojem informací o nejlepších architektech, ale i nástroj k vytváření vlastních návrhů. Text v angličtině. Detailing makes a landscape unique, and a landscape architect outstanding. Featuring many of the worlds most highly acclaimed landscape architects, this book presents 40 of the most recently completed and influential landscape designs. Each project is presented with colour photographs, site plans and sections as well as numerous construction details. There is also a brief descriptive text, detailed captions and in-depth information for each project. The projects are presented in clear and concise layouts over four pages. All commissioned especially for this book, the drawings are styled in a consistent manner and presented at standard architectural scales for easy comparison. Intended for architects, engineers and landscape architects, the book will also be invaluable for architecture, garden and landscape design students, for whom it will be a resource not only for understanding the work of the best contemporary landscape architects, but also as a tool for their own design work. Kniha představuje 40 nejnovějších a nejzajímavějších krajinných projektů. Každý je zdokumentován zasvěceným textem, fotografiemi, plánky atd. Kniha není jen zdrojem informací o nejlepších architektech, ale i nástroj k vytváření vlastních návrhů. Text v angličtině. Detailing makes a landscape unique, and a landscape architect outstanding. Featuring many of the worlds most highly acclaimed landscape architects, this book presents 40 of the most recently completed and influential landscape designs. Each project is presented with colour photographs, site plans and sections as well as numerous construction details. There is also a brief descriptive text, detailed captions and in-depth information for each project. The projects are presented in clear and concise layouts over four pages. All commissioned especially for this book, the drawings are styled in a consistent manner and presented at standard architectural scales for easy comparison. Intended for architects, engineers and landscape architects, the book will also be invaluable for architecture, garden and landscape design students, for whom it will be a resource not only for understanding the work of the best contemporary landscape architects, but also as a tool for their own design work. Kniha představuje 40 nejnovějších a nejzajímavějších krajinných projektů. Každý je zdokumentován zasvěceným textem, fotografiemi, plánky atd. Kniha není jen zdrojem informací o nejlepších architektech, ale i nástroj k vytváření vlastních návrhů. Text v angličtině. Detailing makes a landscape unique, and a landscape architect outstanding. Featuring many of the worlds most highly acclaimed landscape architects, this book presents 40 of the most recently completed and influential landscape designs. Each project is presented with colour photographs, site plans and sections as well as numerous construction details. There is also a brief descriptive text, detailed captions and in-depth information for each project. The projects are presented in clear and concise layouts over four pages. All commissioned especially for this book, the drawings are styled in a consistent manner and presented at standard architectural scales for easy comparison. Intended for architects, engineers and landscape architects, the book will also be invaluable for architecture, garden and landscape design students, for whom it will be a resource not only for understanding the work of the best contemporary landscape architects, but also as a tool for their own design work.
Nakladatel: Laurence King
ISBN: 978-1-85669-498-8
Rok vydání: 2008
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: vázaná
Počet stran: 208
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