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Voices in the Dark

Voices in the Dark
20 %

581  Kč 730 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
A daring and ambitious graphic novel. -Rachel Cooke, The Guardian Lust, author of the acclaimed graphic memoir Today Is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life, turns The Karnau Tapes, Marcel Beyer's chronicle of a quirky, Nazi-employed sound engineer who befriends a daughter of Joseph Goebbels, into a completely sui generis work: a masterpiece in faded hues, expressionistic pen strokes, and panels laid out to amplify a painful story. -Boris Kachka, Vulture.com (New York Magazine) Following her award-winning graphic novel memoir Today Is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life, Lust adapts The Karnau Tapes, Beyer's dense, dark novel set during the collapse of the Third Reich. She is more than up to the task, transmuting the material with visual imagination and insight....It's a rare adaptation that, rather than simply transcribing the source material, transcends it. -Publishers Weekly, starred review Profound, with characters driven to find truths that ultimately prove devastating. Lust's clean, confident lines richly convey everything from a child's discomfort with a haircut to a dog's eagerness to play to Karnau's sheer bliss from a 'quivering glottis.'...The illustration style and muted color palette (like an aged newspaper) achieve a haunting realism despite cartoonish exaggeration and expressionistic flourishes. Stunning. -Kirkus, starred review Ulli Lust really nails my favorite part of storytelling... the small details that create great character. -Jaime Hernandez, author of Love and Rockets
Nakladatel: New York Review Comics
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 368
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