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The Line

The Line

452  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Praise for Keri Smith Keri Smith may well be the self-help guru this DIY generation deserves. -The Believer A conceptual artist and author luring kids into questioning the world and appreciating every smell, texture and mystery in it. -TIME Magazine Praise for Wreck This Journal Wreck This Journal encourages you to stop fretting about quality and start relishing the artistic process. -Oprah.com I love this book and the playful way that Keri Smith teaches people the act of creating by putting you right on the spot. Wreck This Journal is a fun, interactive book that you will want to work in every day. To create is to destroy, and this book delivers. -D I Y Planner No matter where you start or where you end, there's always something interesting to do. . . . The book is an exploration into creativity. -Buffalo News The ideal gift for artistic minded people, or not, for that matter, as what I love about this book is that there is no right or wrong. Neat, messy, colorful, dark, you can wreck however you want. -Hawwa, etc. I've kept journals before, but have never written in them as frequently as I write in my Wreck This Journal. It is great for inspiration; it gives you tasks that are thought-provoking rather than pages of endless blank lines. It is a great way to pass the time and a great gift for anyone, no matter how young or old. -Teen Ink Wreck this Journal makes a great gift for someone who's going through a stressful time, needs a form of release, or anyone who could use a few minutes of fun. -Jactionary Wreck This Journal encourages you to experiment and have fun. . . . Flip to any page in the book and you will find a prompt: fun prompts, destructive prompts, creative prompts to help your creative juices flow. -Craft Critique Calling all bookworms and creative doodlers, Wreck This Journal is the perfect book to spruce up your summer. . . . It's a wonderful stress reliever and brings out the inner childish behavior we are so often told to get over. You won't be disappointed. -Kristine Marie Babauta, Marianas Variety
Nakladatel: Penguin US
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 224
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