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Stamp Garden

Stamp Garden
23 %

461  Kč 598 Kč

Expedice za 2 až 3 dny

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Get crafty with this cute, nature-inspired stamp set, which contains 25 wood-and-rubber blocks and green and pink ink pads. Use them to decorate stationery, cards or gifts, or simply get creative with a piece of paper. Express.co.uk Recently, the team had the pleasure of receiving goodies from Coralie's latest project, Stamp Garden (part of a collaboration with Princeton Architectural Press). Stamp Garden is comprised of a number of lovely, high-quality rubber stamps and inks with a gorgeous botanical theme. We had a blast creating our prints and patterns with Coralie's stamps and think they'd make a fantastic addition to any stationery and stamp lover's collection! Make it in Design It's a lovely set which I really enjoyed playing with. The 25 stamps all compliment each other and the botanical theme is always on trend. I can imagine creating all kinds of fun designs using it and maybe even trying them on air drying clay. It's a great way to make personalised notecards or gift cards, especially now that Spring finally seems to be here. The Gingerbread House
Nakladatel: Abrams & Chronicle
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: General merchandise
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