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Our Discovery Island 1 Flashcards

Our Discovery Island  1 Flashcards
6 %

1022  Kč 1 091 Kč

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Where learning is an unforgettable adventure! Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning.Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English. *Whole learner: Adventures on themed islands develop cognitive, emotional, and social skills. *Authenticity: Children are safe, absorbed and happy playing and practising in the online game. *Repetition: Songs, chants, and games reinforce essential vocabulary and grammar practice. *Motivation: Stories, characters, and activities engage learners. Our Discovery Island is a groundbreaking new course that makes learning English an exciting and engaging experience. www.pearsonELT.com/ourdiscoveryisland
Nakladatel: Pearson Longman
ISBN: 978-1-4082-3849-3
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Ostatní zboží
Počet stran: 64
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