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Oxford Exam Excellence Picture Bank: Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM - CD

Oxford Exam Excellence Picture Bank: Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM
26 %

397  Kč 537 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
English level: Intermediate and above A complete exam preparation coursebook for secondary students working towards B1 and B2 level exams. Exam skills training through twelve topic-based units, with practice at two levels: B1 and B2. Suitable for classroom use or self-study. Key features: All key exam topics and vocabulary covered. Practice of all main test task types in Reading, Listening, Use of English, Writing, and Speaking. Exam techniques, preparation strategies, and useful study tips. Multi-ROM containing recorded material for the Listening tasks and tapescripts. Word Bank with key vocabulary, Speaking Bank with useful communicative phrases, and Writing Bank with model texts and advice. Smart answer key that explains why an answer is correct. Teacher´s resource CD-ROM to title Oxford Exam Excellence. A complete exam preparation coursebook for secondary students working towards B1 and B2 level exams. Exam skills training through twelve topic-based units, with practice at two levels: B1 and B2. Suitable for classroom use or self-study.
Nakladatel: Oxford University Press
Rok vydání: 2007
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: CD
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