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Dos logos

Dos logos

1227  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Druhé pokračování bestselleru Los Logos přináší další grafické návrhy a realizace log a logotypů. In order to offer even more value to conscientious designers, the book classifies the included work according to the industry or purpose for which it was designed and contains more unusual applications including those used on building facades, on clothing and as illuminated advertising.Dos Logos presents extensive examples of contemporary logo design in even greater depth and charts new developments in the field. Druhé pokračování bestselleru Los Logos přináší další grafické návrhy a realizace log a logotypů. Done in the same format as the first volume, Dos Logos explores the exceptional visual language and stylistic approaches to logo creation by designers from around the globe. It is thoroughly indexed, catalogued by subject and systematically structured according to various search criteria. Druhé pokračování bestselleru Los Logos přináší další grafické návrhy a realizace log a logotypů. In order to offer even more value to conscientious designers in terms of practicality, it also classifies the included work according to the industry or purpose for which it was designed (music, fashion, corporate, etc). In addition, the book contains more unusual applications and a broader range of logos including those used on building facades, on clothing and as illuminated advertising. Its scope and usefulness make Dos Logos the ultimate update on the current state of logo design.
Nakladatel: Die Gestalten Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-89955-266-9
Rok vydání: 2009
Jazyk : Čeština
Druh: 1 x kniha
Počet stran: 304
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