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Parisian Chic: Look Book

Parisian Chic: Look Book
22 %

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Parisian Chic Look Book is a wakeup call to the fashion obsessed as well as something that young women who are just starting to build a wardrobe might benefit from. This is not a fashion bible nor is it a DO's and DON'Ts kind of book as its appeal is basic yet specific so if you believe that les femmes Française are about as chic as it gets, then hurry on down and grab up a copy to take home. - New York Journal of Books Former Chanel model and the epitome of Parisian chic Ines de la Fressange has just released her new book to follow up her wildly successful first Parisian Chic , and in it she does the work of the stylist. Parisian Chic Look Book: What Should I Wear Today? does everything for you except the shopping. - TheSimplyLuxuriousLife.com de la Fressange demonstrates how to achieve her quintessentially Parisian style starting with the wardrobe building blocks-a LBD that can be dressed up or down, classic riding boots you'll wear for a lifetime, or the perfect pair of jeans-which she combines with panache to suit every situation. And then she pinpoints the key accessories-the perfect jeweled flats, the lustrous handbag in an unexpected jewel-tone, the piece of statement jewelry that will become your signature-to ramp up your look from okay to 'oh, wow!' - Society Chronicles De La Fressange and Gachet ramp up your everyday style from okay to oh wow. Whether you are from a big city or a small town, Parisian Chic: The Look Book is a must-have and a must-read for women who like looking good 24×7. - FashionWindows.com For whenever you say What should I wear today?, use this guide as a reference since the French are all things chic. - Society Diaries
Nakladatel: Flammarion
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 160
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