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The Elements of Modern Architecture

The Elements of Modern Architecture

947  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Fifty of the world’s modern architectural masterpieces, constructed between 1950 and the present, are analysed through specially commissioned drawings that reveal the principles and details of what makes a building meaningful and enduring.Includes c. 2,500 line drawings and 50 photographsClick to see the full list of contentsStarting from its site, each work is analysed through its surroundings, use of natural light, volumes and massing; its program and circulation; and its details, fenestration and ornamentation, showing the reader how the building works as a cohesive whole.Aimed at architects, students and everyone who appreciates great buildings, 'The Elements of Modern Architecture' will be an essential reference and inspiration for generations to come.
Nakladatel: Thames and Hudson
ISBN: 9780500342954
Rok vydání: 2015
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: twarda
Počet stran: 344
Zařazení: Architektura
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