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Samurai Armour

Samurai Armour
21 %

846  Kč 1 065 Kč

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Foreword 1. Introduction 2. Dou - Cuirass: the foundation of Japanese armour 3. Ancient armour: Tanko, Keiko and Mencho, 3rd-9th centuries 4. Early forms of Samurai armour: O-yoroi, Dou-maru, Maru-dou, Hara-maki and Hara-ate. 10th-15th centuries 5. Pre-modern transitional period dou designs: Mogami-dou and Nuinobe Dou, 15th-16th centuries 6. Tosei Dou - modern cuirass Part I: Okegawa Yokohagi constructed cuirass and related styles, 16th century onward 7. Tosei Dou - modern cuirass Part II: Tatehagi Okegawa constructed cuirass and related dou styles, 16th century onward 8. Tosei Dou - modern cuirass part III: Okashi Gusoku and other alternative forms of cuirass, 16th century onward 9. Coming full circle - the revival of ancient armour styles, 17th-19th centuries 10. The Westernization of Japanese armour, 19th-21st centuries Glossary
Nakladatel: Bloomsbury Trade
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 372
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