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Česká pošta Středa 19.06
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Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 20.06
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Transgenic Cotton

Transgenic Cotton
13 %

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Part I: Introduction 1. Transgenic Cotton: From Biotransformation Methods to Agricultural Application Baohong Zhang Part II: Transformation 2. Agrobacterium -mediated Genetic Transformation of Cotton Baohong Zhang 3. Biolistic Transformation of Cotton Zygotic Embryo Meristem K. Rajasekaran 4. Novel Pollen Magnetofection System for Transformation of Cotton Plant with Magnetic Nanoparticles as Gene Carriers Rui Zhang, Zhigang Meng , Muhammad Ali Abid, and Xiang Zhao 5. Biolistic Transformation of Cotton Embryogenic Cell Suspension Cultures K. Rajasekaran 6. Pollen Tube Pathway-Mediated Cotton Transformation Min Wang, Runrun Sun, Baohong Zhang, and Qinglian Wang 7. Embryogenic Calli Explants and Silicon Carbide Whisker-mediated Transformation of Cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) Muhammad Arshad and Shaheen Asad Part III: Genome Editing and Vigs 8. Genome Editing in Cotton Using CRISPR/Cas9 System Chao Li and Baohong Zhang 9. Tobacco Rattle Virus Induced Gene Silencing in Cotton Caiping Cai, Xinyu Wang, Baohong Zhang, and Wangzhen Guo Part IV: Detection 10. Investigating Transgene Integration and Organization in Cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) Genome Jun Zhang and Yan Hong 11. Estimating the Copy Number of Transgenes in Transformed Cotton by Real-time Quantitative PCR Chengxin Yi and Yan Hong 12. Development of an Enzyme-linked Immunosorbant (ELISA) Assay for the Detection of GM Protein in GM Crops/Produce Suchitra Kamle, Dawei Li, Abhishek Ojha, and Arvind Kumar 13. Screening of Transgenic Cotton Based on a Porous Silicon Biosensor Liangliang Chen, Peng Li, Xiaoyi Lv, and Ji Ma 14. YC3.60-based Imaging Analysis on Calcium Level in Cotton Cells Mi Zhang, Jianyan Zeng, Huizhen Cao, and Yan Pei 15. A Simple and Rapid Method for Determining Transgenic Cotton Plants Using a Marker Gene Baohong Zhang, Hongmei Wang, Fang Liu, and Qinglian Wang 16. A Grafting Technique for Efficiently Transplanting Transgenic Regenerated Plants of Cotton Min Wang, Qinglian Wang, and Baohong Zhang 17. Inheritance of Transgenes in Transgenic Bt lines Resistance to Helicoerpa armigera in Upland Cotton Baolong Zhang, Wangzhen Guo, and Tianzhen Zhan Part V: Application 18. Cotton Hairy Root Culture as an Alternative Tool for Cotton Functional Genomics Hee Jin Kim 19. Overexpression of miRNA in Cotton via Agrobacterium -mediated Transformation Min Wang, Runrun Sun, Qinglian Wang, and Baohong Zhang 20. Development of Transgenic CryIA(c) + GNA Cotton Plants via Pollen Tube Pathway Method Confers Resistance to Helicoverpa armigera and Aphis gossypii Glover Zhi Liu, Zhen Zhu, and Tianzhen Zhang 21. Next Generation Transgenic Cotton: Pyramiding RNAi with Bt Counters Insect Resistance Wei Ma and Tianzhen Zhang 22. Genetic Transformation of Cotton with the Harpin-encoding Gene hpa Xoo of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae and Evaluation of Resistance against Verticillium Wilt Weiguo Miao and Jingsheng Wang 23. Development of Insect-resistant Transgenic Cotton with Chimeric TVip3A Accumulating in Chloroplasts Jiahe Wu and Yingchuan Tian 24. Development of Virus Resistance Transgenic Cotton using Cotton Leaf Curl Virus Antisense ßC1 Gene S.S. Sohrab Part VI: Risk Assessment 25. Determining Pollen-mediated Gene Flow in Transgenic Cotton Xiaoping Pan
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 372
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