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The Road to Gandolfo

The Road to Gandolfo
11 %

142  Kč 159 Kč

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In this wickedly funny novel, Robert Ludlum combines the explosive pacing of The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy with a bitingly witty send-up of everything from government bureaucrats and pandering military men to the mob, the law, and organized religion. War hero and infamous ladies’ man, General MacKenzie Hawkins is a living legend. His life story had even been sold to Hollywood. But now he stands accused of defacing a historic monument in China’s Forbidden City. Under house arrest in Peking, with a case against him pending in Washington, it looks like the end of Mac’s illustrious career. But he has a plan of his own—and it includes kidnapping the Pope. What’s the ransom? Just one American dollar—for every Catholic in the world. Add to the mix a slew of shady “investors,” Hawkins’s four persuasive, well-endowed ex-wives, and a young lawyer and fellow soldier who wants nothing more than to return to private life—and you’ve got one relentlessly irreverent page-turner. In this wickedly funny novel, Robert Ludlum combines the explosive pacing of The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy with a bitingly witty send-up of everything from government bureaucrats and pandering military men to the mob, the law, and organized religion. War hero and infamous ladies’ man, General MacKenzie Hawkins is a living legend. His life story had even been sold to Hollywood. But now he stands accused of defacing a historic monument in China’s Forbidden City. Under house arrest in Peking, with a case against him pending in Washington, it looks like the end of Mac’s illustrious career. But he has a plan of his own—and it includes kidnapping the Pope. What’s the ransom? Just one American dollar—for every Catholic in the world. Add to the mix a slew of shady “investors,” Hawkins’s four persuasive, well-endowed ex-wives, and a young lawyer and fellow soldier who wants nothing more than to return to private life—and you’ve got one relentlessly irreverent page-turner. In this wickedly funny novel, Robert Ludlum combines the explosive pacing of The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy with a bitingly witty send-up of everything from government bureaucrats and pandering military men to the mob, the law, and organized religion. War hero and infamous ladies’ man, General MacKenzie Hawkins is a living legend. His life story had even been sold to Hollywood. But now he stands accused of defacing a historic monument in China’s Forbidden City. Under house arrest in Peking, with a case against him pending in Washington, it looks like the end of Mac’s illustrious career. But he has a plan of his own—and it includes kidnapping the Pope. What’s the ransom? Just one American dollar—for every Catholic in the world. Add to the mix a slew of shady “investors,” Hawkins’s four persuasive, well-endowed ex-wives, and a young lawyer and fellow soldier who wants nothing more than to return to private life—and you’ve got one relentlessly irreverent page-turner.
Nakladatel: Orion Publishing Co
ISBN: 978-8-8888-1730-9
Rok vydání: 2004
Jazyk : Angličtina
Druh: 1 x kniha
Počet stran: 305
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