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The Hunt For Red October

The Hunt For Red October
14 %

136  Kč 159 Kč

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The runaway international No 1 bestseller that launched Tom Clancy´s spectacular career and introduced his acclaimed hero, Jack Ryan, in the ultimate submarine adventure. Silently, beneath the chill Atlantic waters, Russia´s ultra-secret missile submarine, the Red October, is heading west. The Americans want her.The Russians want her back. With all-out war only seconds away, the superpowers race across the ocean on the most desperate mission of a lifetime. The most incredible chase in history is on! The Hunt for Red October! the classic story of a spellbinding battle of nerves, above and below the waves, unrivalled in its authenticity and breath-stopping suspense.
Nakladatel: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-00-783220-0
Rok vydání: 1993
Jazyk : Angličtina
Druh: 1 x kniha
Počet stran: 544
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