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The Arts of Ornamental Geometry

The Arts of Ornamental Geometry
8 %

1510  Kč 1 643 Kč

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INTRODUCTION GÜLRU NECIPOGLU, In Memory of Alpay Özdural and His Unrealized Book Project CHAPTER 1 GÜLRU NECIPOGLU, Ornamental Geometries: A Persian Compendium at the Intersection of the Visual Arts and Mathematical Sciences CHAPTER 2 ELAHEH KHEIRANDISH, An Early Tradition in Practical Geometry: The Telling Lines of Unique Arabic and Persian Sources CHAPTER 3 JAN P. HOGENDIJK, A Mathematical Classification of the Contents of an Anonymous Persian Compendium on Decorative Patterns CHAPTER 4 ALPAY ÖZDURAL, Preliminaries (first chapter of Alpay Özdural's unpublished book) TRANSLATION, TRANSCRIPTION, AND DRAWINGS An English translation by Alpay Özdural of Fi tadakhul al-ashkal al-mutashabiha aw al-mutawafiqa(On Similar and Complementary Interlocking Figures), edited and revised by Wheeler M. Thackston, with contributions by the other authors Accompanied by Wheeler M. Thackston's transcription of the Persian text and Alpay Özdural's drawings, with commentaries by Gülru Necipoglu (based on Analyses, the second chapter in Alpay Özdural's unpublished book) FACSIMILE A reduced-scale reproduction of Fi tadakhul al-ashkal al-mutashabiha aw al-mutawafiqa (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Persan 169, fols. 180r-199r)
Nakladatel: Brill
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 376
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