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Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 06.06
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Tony Harrison Plays 6

 Tony Harrison Plays 6
7 %

534  Kč 575 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Harrison's sixth collection contains his translation of Euripides' Hecuba, which inaugurated the modern amphitheatre of Delphi in 2005; the remarkable Fram, which opened at the National Theatre in 2008; and Iphigenia in Crimea, which premiered on BBC Radio 3 to mark Harrison's 80th birthday in 2016.
Nakladatel: Faber & Faber
ISBN: 9780571352524
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
Počet stran: CZE
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