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Hawks Effect

Hawks Effect
10 %

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Hawks Effect is a Sci Fi story, consisting of four Volumes, which is published as a serialized novel, beginning with the first volume Emergence in 10 Episodes. This is Episode 1: Street smart former dancer turned con artist, Laurina Hawks, receives a cryptic message from her sister who is working abroad in America. Turning to her brother Abel for help in decoding the message, they discover that she is in danger. Undaunted, Laurina decides to go to Phoenix Arizona to rescue her. Since travel airfare and lodging are expensive, and her funds are low, she must pull one last con to finance the trip. An accident after the meeting propels her into unfamiliar surroundings where danger lurks at every turn. Each person she meets has their own agenda. Now, someone wants her dead. As her resolve to save her sister is tested again and again, Laurina soon discovers that there are worse things than having Scotland Yard on your tail. Read the Beginning of a stunning Journey, which takes a young dancer and con-artist from London into a different universe, where she will start an incredible career. Follow the Episodes 1 to 10 which will appear quarterly.
Nakladatel: Nova MD
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 146
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