Termín obdržení zásilky
Česká pošta Středa 19.06
PPL Středa 19.06
Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 20.06
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196  Kč 243 Kč

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Matches the high notes of [Frederik] Pohl (Gateway) and Peter Watts (Blindsight) while adding enough new ideas to sing its own dissonant song. B&N SFF blog A dark look at what could be hiding in space waiting for us to let our guard down. - Booklist A tense, provocative story, which puts a truly original spin on the idea of intergalactic interaction. It's plausible, unpredictable, and thoroughly entertaining as it sets the stage for future installments and even more questions. - Publishers Weekly A unique world that happens to be familiar, great character development, a fun change for the human race, and fast pacing leaves this as one science fiction book that you'll want to pick up! ScienceFiction.com One of the best original science fiction novels I've read. Alien races are again beyond the understanding of mankind and I couldn't be happier. Highest possible recommendation. SciFi Pulse
Nakladatel: Titan Books
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