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Audrey 100

Audrey 100

1309  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
'My own life has been much more than a fairy tale'. - Audrey Hepburn One of the most beautiful women of the 20th century, style icon, actor, model, UNICEF patron, and so much more Audrey captured the imaginations of millions around the world with her famous unforgettable face and innate and inherent grace. Photographed by most of the leading photographers of the day - Cecil Beaton, Hans Gerber, Norman Parkinson, Douglas Kirkland, among them - Audrey Hepburn's image lives on, her style still an influence to designers and fashionistas alike. 'My own life has been much more than a fairy tale'. - Audrey Hepburn One of the most beautiful women of the 20th century, style icon, actor, model, UNICEF patron, and so much more Audrey captured the imaginations of millions around the world with her famous unforgettable face and innate and inherent grace. Photographed by most of the leading photographers of the day - Cecil Beaton, Hans Gerber, Norman Parkinson, Douglas Kirkland, among them - Audrey Hepburn's image lives on, her style still an influence to designers and fashionistas alike. 'My own life has been much more than a fairy tale'. - Audrey Hepburn One of the most beautiful women of the 20th century, style icon, actor, model, UNICEF patron, and so much more Audrey captured the imaginations of millions around the world with her famous unforgettable face and innate and inherent grace. Photographed by most of the leading photographers of the day - Cecil Beaton, Hans Gerber, Norman Parkinson, Douglas Kirkland, among them - Audrey Hepburn's image lives on, her style still an influence to designers and fashionistas alike.
Nakladatel: New Holland Publishers
ISBN: neuvedeno
Jazyk : Angličtina
Druh: 1 x kniha
Vazba: vázaná
Počet stran: 1
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