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The Sense of Life and the Sense of the Universe

The Sense of Life and the Sense of the Universe
18 %

734  Kč 895 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Questions concerning the sense of man and the sense of the unvierse are closely related. In fact, they constitute one Big Question. Man is genetically connected to the universe and the origins of man have their roots in the history of the universe. If the universe has sense then it most probably embraces man since he is a part or, even more, an element of the structure of the universe. Would it be possible for man to have a senseful existence in a senseless universe?
Nakladatel: Copernicus Center Press
ISBN: 9788362259021
Rok vydání: 2010
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Twarda z obwolutą
Počet stran: 182
Zařazení: Filozofia
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