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Medical Physics. Vol.2

Medical Physics. Vol.2
5 %

1317  Kč 1 383 Kč

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Order the and save almost 25EUR. Medical Physics covers the applied branch of physics concerned with the application of concepts and methods of physics to diagnostics and therapeutics of human diseases. This second volume in a series of two complements the imaging modalities presented in the first volume by those methods, which use ionizing radiation. The first chapters in part A on Radiography provide a solid background on radiation sources, interaction of radiation with matter, and dosimetry for the safe handling of radiation before introducing x-ray radiography, scintigraphy, SPECT and PET. The second part B on Radiotherapy starts from basic information on the life cycle of cells, radiation response of healthy and tumorous cells. In subsequent chapters the main methods of radiation treatment are presented, in particular x-ray radiotherapy, proton and neutron radiation therapy, and brachytherapy. The last part C, Diagnostics and Therapeutics beyond Radiology , covers laser applications, multifunctional nanoparticles and prosthetics. The present volume introduces the physical background on ionizing radiation, the biological effectiveness of radiation, as well as radiation based methods for diagnostics and therapeutics. covers the second part of the entire field of medical physics, including imaging methods with the use of ionizing radiation; radiation therapy with photons, protons, and neutrons; laser methods, nanomedicine and prosthetics. provides an introduction for Bachelor students to the main concepts of Medical Physics during their fi rst semesters guiding them to further specialized and advanced literature. contains many questions & answers related to the content of each chapter. is also available as a set together with Volume 1. Contents Part A: Radiography X-ray generation Nuclei and isotopes Interaction of radiation with matter Radiation detection and protection X-ray radiography Scintigraphy Positron emission tomography Part B: Radiotherapy Cell cycle and cancer X-ray radiotherapy Charged particle radiotherapy Neutron radiotherapy Brachytherapy Part C: Diagnostics and therapeutics beyond radiology Laser applications in medicine Nanoparticles for nanomedical applications Prosthetics
Nakladatel: De Gruyter
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 343
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