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The Postconceptual Condition

The Postconceptual Condition

636  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The Postconceptual Condition philosophically maps a chasm of truly mythic proportions, namely that between art and politics. While this chasm is quintessentially modern, the meaning of 'modern' keeps changing and with it the structure of historical experience. Global or transnational modernity forces us to revise notions of 'autonomy' or 'activism,' and conditions the work of art in ways that mark a clear break with its modern past, i.e. Conceptualism. In confronting the fate of art institutions (the biennale form) and analyzing the conditions of the artwork proper, Osborne gets a critical grip on that beast that calls the chasm between art and politics home-a creature better known as the cultural logic of high capitalism. -Roger Buergel, Founding Director of the Johann Jacobs Museum, Zurich Very little philosophical writing is inspiring enough to catalyse art and bring it into being. Peter Osborne's writing is consistently in this category. -Hito Steyerl, visual artist and author of Duty Free Art
Nakladatel: Verso
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 240
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