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To be at Home

To be at Home

1085  Kč

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To Be at Home: House, Work and Self in the Modern World Table of Contents Acknowledgments Foreword Mamphela Ramphele Preface Andreas Eckert Introduction: To Be at Home-House, Work and Self in the Modern World Felicitas Hentschke and James Williams 1. Homes and Mobility: Borders, Boundaries, Thresholds Shoes Painfully Small: Material and Maternal Discomfort in Cape Verdean Remittance Houses Heike Drotbohm Hostel, Home and 'Life-Rhythm' for African Workers behind the Berlin Wall Eric Allina From Forecastle to Folk Club: The Homeless Seafarer Jonathan Hyslop Kinship and Displacement in Post-War Liberia: Children's Lives in an IDP Camp James Williams 2. HOUSES, WORK and Everyday Life: Rhythms, Ruptures, Cycles Constructing Nineteenth-Century Middle Class Milieus: The Labour of Geselligkeit David Warren Sabean Home-Making among the Kel Ewey Tuareg in the Sahara Gerd Spittler Living in Homes, but What Kinds and Whose? Single Young People in Nineteenth-Century Central Europe Josef Ehmer The Place of Work and Workplace in Girls' Identities in Chinese and European History Mary Jo Maynes and Ann Waltner + Thabang Sefalafala 3. Construction, Demolition, Relocation Evicted in Dar es Salaam: From Tanganyika Packers to Uptown Kawe Thaddeus Sunseri Build us a Church and We'll Stay!: Italian Migrant Workers in Lorraine Felicitas Hentschke Remaking Homes and Reproducing Inequalities in an Eastern Indian Steel Town Christian Strümpell + Alla Bolotova 4. THE POWER of PLACE: SPACE, EXCLUSIONS, Vulnerability Homes and Colonial Violence: The Coolie Pondok Vincent Houben Public-Private Continuities and Alternate Domesticities Renu Addlakha Subaltern Urbanism, Or Dwelling and the Unhoused Anupama Rao + Anne-Katrin Bicher 5. Houses and Selves: Nostalgia, Imagination, Memory Where I Rest my Sea Legs? Bulgarian Seafarers between the Home and the Ship Milena Kremakova The Home and the Hearth: Poetic Imagination and Bhojpuriya Women Nitin Sinha A Woman and a Nation: A Story of Job and Home in China Ju Li + Sidney Chalhoub 6. HOMES AND STYLE: AESTHETICS, POETICS, ETHICS + Jan Grill + Steven Rockell + Nitin Varma 7. Networks, Neighbourhoods, Communities The Enlarged Parlour? Structures and Varieties of German Working-Class Housing around 1900 Jürgen Schmidt The Chawl and the Slum: The Transformation of Housing in Ahmedabad's Industrial East Rukmini Barua Land of Boarding Houses: Migrant Workers and Collective Dwellings in São Paulo, Brazil, 1945-1970 Paulo Fontes The Political Work of Home-Making by Refugees and Civil Society in Berlin Fazila Bhimji 8. BEING AT HOME IN THE WORLD: Thinking with Houses and Homes The Importance of Owning a Home in Bamako, or Life after Death Isaie Dougnon From Ancestral Tablets to Patriotic Snapshots: Remembering Kinship in Rural Chinese Homes Charlotte Bruckermann Unhomely Afterlives: Reading Life-Phases through Phases of Afterlife Claudio Pinheiro + Maria José de Abreu REFLECTIONS On Homes, Work and Personhood Prabhu Mohapatra On Photography and History Alf Lüdtke On Why Homes Still Matter: Thoughts on Mamphela Ramphela's A Bed Called Home: Life in the Migrant Labour Hostels of Cape Town Frederick Cooper Contributor Biographies Photography Credits Index
Nakladatel: Oldenbourg
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 279
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