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Adult Jigsaw Puzzle Robert Gillmor: Swans Flying Over the Reeds (500 Pieces)

Adult Jigsaw Puzzle Robert Gillmor: Swans Flying Over the Reeds (500 Pieces)
5 %

400  Kč 420 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih

New title in the exciting series of sturdy, square-box 500-piece jigsaw puzzles from Flame Tree, featuring powerful and popular works of art and providing a challenge for adult puzzlers of all levels!

Part of an exciting series of sturdy, square-box 500-piece jigsaw puzzles from Flame Tree, featuring powerful and popular works of art. This new jigsaw will satisfy your need for a challenge, with the beautiful Swans Flying over the Reeds by Robert Gillmor. This 500-piece jigsaw is intended for adults and children over 13 years. Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Finished Jigsaw size 490 x 360mm/19.3 x 14.2 ins. Includes an A4 poster for reference.

One of the UK\'s best-known wildlife artists, Robert Gillmor MBE is also an ornithologist, illustrator, author, and editor, not to mention founder member of the Society of Wildlife artists. He has illustrated over 150 books, designed a series of stamps for Royal Mail, and helped to create the RSPB\'s logo. Gillmor received the RSPB Medal in 2001, and in 2015 was awarded an MBE for his services to art and conservation.

Nakladatel: Flame Tree
ISBN: 9781839648410
Rok vydání: 0000
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: Box
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