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Prince 1958-2016

Prince 1958-2016
20 %

485  Kč 609 Kč

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This beautiful book will contain rare and never-before-published photographs, including images from many prestigious photographers. A heartfelt homage to the man, from many of the people who knew him best. Journalist and Prince fanatic Mobeen Azhar interviewed key members of Prince's entourage, many of them speaking about the great man for the first time and this book highlights those first-hand accounts, to paint a more up-close-and-personal picture of this visionary artist than you have ever seen before. The ultimate pictorial tribute to this truly unique singer / songwriter / performer / musician, his seductive performances and his incredible musical career. Beginning with an introductory essay, Mobeen Azhar tells the basic story of Prince's birth, evolution, career and death. But what differentiates this book is what follows: many personal, first-hand anecdotes from those who grew up with, knew and worked alongside Prince are recounted alongside a carefully curated series of photographs, many of which are rare and never-before-seen. Many iconic shots of Prince from all stages of his varied career are included, and the book pays homage to the originality, the glamour, and above all the sexiness that Prince embodied.
Nakladatel: Carlton Publishing Group
Rok vydání: 2016
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 144
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