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Music and the Environment in Dystopian Narrative

Music and the Environment in Dystopian Narrative

1503  Kč 1 520 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
1. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Sounding the Anthropocene 1.2 A Critical-performative approach 1.3 From Space Opera to Mahagonny 1.4 Conclusion 2. Chapter 2 Mozart in Space: A Love Story 2.1 Voice in the Machine 2.2 Messenger, Trace, Story 2.3 Mozart on the Bus 2.4 Conclusion 3. Chapter 3 Apocalyptic Body Song: The Book of Joan 3.1 Musical Novels 3.2 Violence and the Female Voice 3.3 Evoking the Earworm 3.4 A Sonic Cluster Bomb 3.5 Conclusion 4. Chapter 4 Fossil Opera: Persephone in the Late Anthropocene 4.1 Persephone's Fall 4.2 Kickstarter Opera 4.3 Ruined Words 4.4 Conclusion 5. Chapter 5 Mozart on Ice: Expedition to the End of the World 5.1 Mozart as Montage 5.2 Fossil Music 5.3 Diegesis and Paratext 5.4 Conclusion 6. Chapter 6 Sounding the Hurricane: Mahagonny 6.1 Trouble in Amerika 6.2 Vegas in Berlin 6.3 Music As Destroying Angel 6.4 Conclusion 7. Chapter 7 Conclusion: Topical and Indigenous Perspectives
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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