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Contemporary U.S. Latinx Literature in Spanish

Contemporary U.S. Latinx Literature in Spanish

1548  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
1. U.S. Latinx Literature in Spanish: Claiming its Rightful Place; Amrita Das, Kathryn Quinn-Sánchez Michele Shaul.- 2. Rethinking the Lens of Spanish: Grounding a Chicana Feminist Language; Elena Avilés.- 3. Self-Representation and the Dual Reality of Identity in the Spanish-language Poetry of Javier O. Huerta; Donna M. Kabalen de Bichara.- 4. Two Narratives of Memories Between Borders: Flourishing of a Transnational Identity; Cynthia Meléndrez.- 5. Untangling Literary Knots: Writing, Memory, and Identity in Sonia Rivera-Valdés' Rosas de Abolengo (2011); María Celina Bortolotto.- 6. When Whiteness Means Imagining Blackness and Signifying Socio-Cultural Difference; JM. Persánch.- 7. The Rise of Latino Americanism: Deterritorialization and Postnational Imagination in Joseph Avski, Yuri Herrera, Claudia Salazar Jiménez, and Luis Marcelino Gómez; Francisco Laguna-Correa.- 8. Conclusion: Continuing the Dialogue; Amrita Das, Kathryn Quinn-Sánchez Michele Shaul.
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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