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Cloud Computing and Service Science

Cloud Computing and Service Science
47 %

1048  Kč 1 994 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Performance Principles for Trusted Computing with Intel SGX.- About the Complexity to Transfer Cloud Applications at Runtime and How Container Platforms can Contribute?.- A Decentralized on Demand Cloud CPU Design with Instruction Level Virtualization.- Heterogeneous Resource Management and Orchestration in Cloud Environments.- Using Docker Swarm with a User-centric Decision-making Framework for Cloud Application Migration.- A Decentralized Cloud Management Architecture based on Application Autonomous Systems.- From Metadata Catalogs to Distributed Data Processing for Smart City Platforms and Services: A Study on the Interplay of CKAN and Hadoop.- An Optimization Model to Reduce Energy Consumption in Software-Defined Data Centers.- The Benefits of using Experimental Exploration for Cloud Migration Analysis and Planning.- Dynamic Reconfiguration of Computer Platforms at the Hardware Device Level for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service.- Controlling Cloud-based Systems for Elasticity Test Reproduction.- A Flexible Semantic KPI Measurement System.- A Framework for the Orchestration and Provision of Cloud Services based on TOSCA and BPMN.- Component Migration in a Trans-cloud Environment.- A Lexical and Semantical Analysis on REST Cloud Computing APIs.
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
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