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Monotheism in Late Prophetic and Early Apocalyptic Literature

Monotheism in Late Prophetic and Early Apocalyptic Literature
9 %

1805  Kč 1 991 Kč

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Discussion of early Jewish monotheism has focused on its origins in earlier Israelite religion, while its development in late prophetic and early apocalyptic literature has received little attention. Yet the reflections of the concept of monotheism in these works are much more diverse than is generally recognized. This literature reflects a lively debate over the implications of Yhwh s supremacy, which extend to the full range of religious and socio-political experience. The authors of this volume explore that diversity by focusing on how particular texts and themes embody and shape the emerging concept of monotheism.§Contributors:§Reinhard Achenbach, Ulrich Berges, Stefan Beyerle, Ken Brown, John J. Collins, Mark S. Gignilliat, Jennie Grillo, Nathan MacDonald, Bernd Obermayer, Bernd Schipper, Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, Jakob Wöhrle
Nakladatel: Mohr Siebeck
Rok vydání: 2014
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 268
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