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Mouse and Me 2 SB + Student website Pack

Mouse and Me 2 SB + Student website Pack
10 %

518  Kč 578 Kč

Odesíláme do 3 až 5 dní

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Dressing up concept mixes imaginative play and reality - capturing children's imaginations as they share adventures in each unit based around Daisy, Robin and Mouse's different costumes. Whole-child approach supports children's cognitive, emotional, physical, social and language development. Cross-curricular 'Smart' topics develop multiple intelligences, meeting the different learning strengths of each child Encourages learning by doing with interactive songs, stories with opportunities to join in, crafts, indoor and outdoor activities, a fun mouse puppet and 3D pop-outs. Digital material for every lesson, including live-action songs, cross-curricular real world clips, story and song animations. Flexible and fun phonics programme. Lingokids home learning app extends students' contact with English beyond the classroom through colourful and interactive games, videos, and songs.
ISBN: 9780194822688
Rok vydání: 2019
Jazyk : Polština
Vazba: Měkká
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