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Česká pošta Pondělí 10.06
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Osobní odběr Úterý 11.06
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Helvetic Kitchen

Helvetic Kitchen
22 %

480  Kč 614 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Born in Canada to a Swiss mother, Andie Pilot's earliest memories of Switzerland are from her Bernese grandmother's kitchen. After she trained as a pastry chef in Canada and moved to Bern, she started the website Helvetic Kitchen with a simple goal: to share her loveof simple Swiss cooking with her friends in Switzerland and around the globe. Thisadorable little book features Andie's favorite recipes-some just like her grandmother madeand some modern takes on Swiss classics-as well as Andie's illumination of many of Swiss cuisine's curiosities.
Nakladatel: Bergli Books
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 96
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