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Mary Berry's Complete Cookbook

Mary Berry's Complete Cookbook
14 %

798  Kč 927 Kč

Odesíláme do 1 až 2 týdnů

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
1: Introduction 2: Hot and chilled soups know-how 1: Recipe chooser 2: Hot and chilled soups know-how 3: Recipes 3: First courses 1: Recipe chooser 2: Recipes 4: Eggs and cheese 1: Recipe chooser 2: Eggs and cheese know-how 3: Recipes 5: Fish and shellfish 1: Recipe chooser 2: Fish and shellfish know-how 3: Recipes 6: Poultry and game 1: Recipe chooser 2: Poultry and game know-how 3: Recipes 7: Meat dishes 1: Recipe chooser 2: Meat know-how 3: Recipes 8: Vegetarian dishes 1: Recipe chooser 2: Vegetarian know-how 3: Recipes 9: Pasta, rice, and noodles 1: Recipe chooser 2: Pasta, rice, and noodles know-how 3: Recipes 10: Vegetables and salads 1: Recipe chooser 2: Vegetables and salads know-how 3: Recipes 11: Yeast cookery 1: Recipe chooser 2: Yeast cookery know-how 3: Recipes 12: Pies, tarts, and hot desserts 1: Recipe chooser 2: Pies, tarts, and hot desserts know-how 3: Recipes 13: Chilled desserts 1: Recipe chooser 2: Chilled desserts know-how 3: Recipes 14: Cakes and teabreads 1: Recipe chooser 2: Cakes and teabreads know-how 3: Recipes 15: Index 16: Cook's tips 17: Acknowledgments
Nakladatel: Dorling Kindersley UK
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 608
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