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Flexible Packaging

Flexible Packaging
13 %

1103  Kč 1 273 Kč

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Flexible Packaging investigates the use of pliable materials to create unique packaging solutions for a variety of consumer goods. Easily modified materials such as fabric, paper, plastic and aluminum can readily be applied to products with unusual shapes or properties where a traditional rigid template or box format would only hinder its merchandising. Likewise, when the products are innately more durable, there is no need for stiff packaging to encase or protect, so more graceful forms and creative concepts can be explored. As much of the innovation in packaging involves food items, the focus also shifts to retaining freshness, responding to environmental pressures and exploring renewable or biodegradable materials. The overall winner is the consumer as more designers attempt to marry functionality with aesthetics and sustainability to respond to market desires.
Nakladatel: Gingko Press
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 256
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