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Autism in Heels

Autism in Heels
32 %

412  Kč 608 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih

\"I am blown away. Never has a book on autism captured the female perspective with so much accuracy, grit, and flair. The perspective of the girl who models herself after typical girls but never quite fits in, and feels fraudulent, is a common but never before clearly articulated phenomenon for women with autism. Jennifer\'s stories will resonate with women on the spectrum and women everywhere trying to find their identities and find their way navigating their life journeys. I literally could not put this book down and would recommend it to all women, those on and off the spectrum, and the men who want to better understand them. -Wendy Ross, MD, CNN Hero, Autism Society of America Person of the Year, founder of Autism Inclusion Resources


\"Witty, frank, and full of insight, Jennifer O\'Toole\'s Autism in Heels is a major addition to a growing body of literature on the distinctive experience of women on the autism spectrum, long overlooked by researchers and clinicians. After helping to pioneer the genre with her groundbreaking Sisterhood of the Spectrum, O\'Toole takes us deep into her often harrowing process of becoming self-aware in a world built for non-autistics, guiding us through her search for meaning and identity in a voice that is disarmingly candid, appealingly warm, and often hilariously funny. O\'Toole is a natural storyteller. Autism in Heels is a great book.\" -Steve Silberman, author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, winner of the Samuel Johnson Prize for Nonfiction


\"I have always considered Jennifer an Aspie mentor in terms of her insights and wisdom on life as experienced by a woman who has autism. She is a natural talent who, in Autism in Heels, has indeed written a love letter to all women. Her memoir will change our perception of autism and how those with autism will perceive themselves.\" -Tony Attwood, PhD, bestselling author, international speaker


\"Funny, moving, compelling, deep . . . Autism in Heels is an absolute must-read not only for women on the spectrum, or people who love them, but anyone who likes a good conversation with an utterly brilliant mind.\"\" -Maia Szavalitz, bestselling author and award-winning journalist covering neuroscience and addiction for Time, Scientific American, and more


\"Jennifer O\'Toole allows us to witness the workings of her beautiful, brilliant mind, to share in her vulnerability, and to be thoroughly entertained by her storytelling. Through both her content and style we get a glimpse of the intense empathy and passion that is so often misunderstood about autism, and in particular, about the unique experience of women on the spectrum. Ultimately this is a book for everyone. -Jed Baker, PhD, bestselling author, international speaker


\"Autism in Heels is a compelling must-read that proves autism doesn\'t have a set appearance. Witty and full of real-life experience, readers will love O\'Toole\'s writing. She inspires hope, individuality, and certainty for those of us on the spectrum that we are not limited by our uniqueness. We really can do anything we set our minds to.\" -Rachel Barcellona, autism self-advocate, Miss Southeast International, Unicorn Children\'s Foundation Ambassador


\"Autism in Heels hit me to the core. Exposing the pain of perfectionism, anorexia, bullying, abuse, and loneliness, Jennifer outlines the sheer need for this memoir in exposing the vulnerability that many girls face from being gifted, talented, and on the autism spectrum. This is an incredible, necessary book that will change lives for the better.\" -Barb Cook, editor and author of Spectrum Women, founder and editor in chief at Spectrum Women Magazine


\"Told like no other, this book leaves all of us, autistic or not, better human beings for having known Jennifer O\'Toole.\" -Sharon Lee Cummings, copublisher/editor at large of Zoom Autism Magazine, Autism Society of Virginia board member


\"I was immediately captivated by Jennifer\'s intimate story telling.

Nakladatel: Ingram Publisher ServicesBooks
ISBN: 9781510732841
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 240
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