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Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 06.06
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John Murtagh's General Practice

John Murtagh's General Practice
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'Table of Contents§§Part 1 The basis of GP§§Chapter 1 The nature and content of general medicine§Chapter 2 The family§Chapter 3 Consulting skills§Chapter 4 Communication skills§Chapter 5 Counselling skills§Chapter 6 Difficult, demanding and angry patients§Chapter 7 Health promotion and patient education§Chapter 8 The elderly patient§Chapter 9 Prevention in general practice§Chapter 10 Nutrition in health and illness§Chapter 11 Palliative care§Chapter 12 Pain and its management§Chapter 13 Research and eveidence-based medicine§Chapter 14 Travel medicine§Chapter 15 Tropical medicine and the returned traveller§Chapter 16 Inspection as a clinical skill§Chapter 17 A safe and diagnotic strategy§Chapter 18 Genetic conditions§Part 2 Diagnostic perspectives in GP§§Chapter 19 Depression§Chapter 20 Diabetes mellitus: diagnosis§Chapter 21 Drug problems§Chapter 22 Anaemia§Chapter 23 Thyroid and other endocrine disorders§Chapter 24 Spinal dysfunction§Chapter 25 Urinary tract infection§Chapter 26 Malignant disease§Chapter 27 HIV/AIDS - could it be HIV?§Chapter 28 Baffling viral and protozoal infections§Chapter 29 Baffling bacterial infections§Chapter 30 Infection of the central nervous system§Chapter 31 Chronic kidney failure§Chapter 32 Connective tissue disease and the vasculitides§Chapter 33 Neurological disorders§Part 3 Problem solving in GP§§Chapter 34 Abdominal pain§Chapter 35 Arthritis§Chapter 36 Anorectal disorders§Chapter 37 Thoracic back pain§Chapter 38 Low back pain§Chapter 39 Bruising and bleeding§Chapter 40 Chest pain§Chapter 41 Constipation§Chapter 42 Cough§Chapter 43 Deafness and hearing loss§Chapter 44 Diarrhoea§Chapter 45 The disturbed patient§Chapter 46 Dizziness/vertigo§Chapter 47 Dyspepsia§Chapter 48 Dysphagia§Chapter 49 Dyspnoea§Chapter 50 The painful ear§Chapter 51 The red and tender eye§Chapter 52 Pain in the face§Chapter 53 Fever and chills§Chapter 54 Faints, fits and funny turns§Chapter 55 Haematemesis and melaena§Chapter 56 Headache§Chapter 57 Hoarseness§Chapter 58 Jaundice§Chapter 59 Nasal disorders§Chapter 60 Nausea and vomiting§Chapter 61 Neck lumps§Chapter 62 Neck pain§Chapter 63 Shoulder pain§Chapter 64 Pain in the arm and hand§Chapter 65 Hip, buttock and groin pain§Chapter 66 Pain in the leg§Chapter 67 The painful knee§Chapter 68 Pain in the foot and ankle§Chapter 69 Walking difficulty and leg swelling§Chapter 70 Palpitations§Chapter 71 Sleep disorders§Chapter 72 Sore mouth and tongue§Chapter 73 Sore throat§Chapter 74 Tiredness/fatigue§Chapter 75 The unconscious patient§Chapter 76 Urinary disorders§Chapter 77 visual failure§Chapter 78 Weight gain§Chapter 79 Weight loss§Part 4 Chronic disorders: continuing management§§Chapter 80 Allergic disorders including hayfever§Chapter 81 Anxiety disorders§Chapter 82 Asthma§Chapter 83 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease§Chapter 84 Epilepsy§Chapter 85 Cardiovascular disease§Chapter 86 Hypertension§Chapter 87 Dyslipidaemia§Chapter 88 Chronic heart failure§Chapter 89 Osteoporosis§Part 5 Child and adolescent health§§Chapter 90 An approach to the child§Chapter 91 Specific problems of children§Chapter 92 Surgical problems of children§Chapter 93 Common childhood infectious diseases (including skin eruptions)§Chapter 94 Behaviour disorders in children§Chapter 95 Child abuse§Chapter 96 Emergencies in children§Chapter 97 Adolescent health§Part 6 Women's health§§Chapter 98 Cervical cancer screening§Chapter 99 Family planning§Chapter 100 Breast pain (mastalgia)§Chapter 101 Lumps in the breast§Chapter 102 Abnormal uterine bleeding§Chapter 103 Lower abdominal and pelvic pain in women§Chapter 104 Premenstrual syndrome§Chapter 105 The menopause§Chapter 106 Vaginal discharge§Chapter 107 Vulvar disorders§Chapter 108 Basic antenatal care§Chapter 109 Infections in pregnancy§Chapter 110 High-risk pregnancy§Chapter 111 Postnatal care§Part 7 Men's health§§Chapter 112 Men'
Nakladatel: McGraw-Hill Professional
Rok vydání: 2015
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 1603
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