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Pocket Atlas of Chinese Medicine

Pocket Atlas of Chinese Medicine
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Award Winner! Pocket Atlas of Chinese Medicine has won first prize at the Association of American Publishers' PROSE Awards and been recognized as the best nursing and allied health text published in 2009. Pocket Atlas of Chinese Medicine offers so much more and is so much more clearly, articulately and professionally presented that it can, and should, replace the earlier best-selling 'The Web That Has No Weaver'. - Blue Poppy Enterprises March 2011 A traditional medicine with up-to-date applications, Chinese Medicine is gaining steady acceptance throughout the world. In this exquisitely illustrated Pocket Atlas of Chinese Medicine, written by a renowned team of international experts, readers will find a concise yet comprehensive synopsis of the entire field. From the clinical practice of acupuncture and moxibustion to Chinese herbal medicine and nutrition therapy, Tai Ji, Qi Gong, and Tuina, the book offers a deep understanding of the underlying theory, characteristics, and fundamental concepts of Chinese Medicine, as well as its philosophical and cultural basis. For those needing a single volume overview of this broad and multi-faceted field, this book is unrivalled. Highlights: Full coverage of the basic tenets of Chinese Medicine, from its historical roots to modern scientific research, methods, and findings Informative chapter on diagnosis in Chinese Medicine Practical discussion of Chinese herbs and their usage, including formulas for various common ailments Insights from leading specialists on their respective disciplines Proven pocket atlas format, with double-page spreads and juxtaposition of text and related photographs, drawings, and charts for easy comprehension More than 150 beautifully detailed, full-color illustrations demonstrating key models Pocket Atlas of Chinese Medicine is a must-have resource for students and practitioners of Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, and complementary medicine, including medical doctors in acupuncture training. General physicians interested in expanding their services will also benefit from the wealth of information in this practical guide.
Nakladatel: Thieme, Stuttgart
Rok vydání: 2009
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 403
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