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Biological and Chemical Terrorism

Biological and Chemical Terrorism
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This much-needed book is specifically designed to lead you through identification of the most likely biological or chemical weapons used in a bioterrorist attack. Through a convenient cross-referencing chart, you will be able to look up suspicious symptoms presented by unexpected clusters of patients, and then quickly find detailed descriptions of the most likely causes. Biological and Chemical Terrorism contains easy-to-use, tear-out charts of biological and chemical weapons, lists of internet sites, and CDC telephone numbers designed to be posted and reference at-a-glance. Special features include: -Quick and concise for use at any stage of an attack-whether in preparation beforehand or taken off the shelf during an actual emergency -The first published text to include chemical warfare identification and treatment -Written by two experts with broad-ranging knowledge of these weapons Whether you are a primary care physician, nurse practitioner, ER physician, or any other firstline healthcare provider, you will benefit from this practical and authoritative guide. It is the only book available today to give you the complete information necessary to handle a bioterrorist emergency with speed, accuracy, and confidence. Raymond S. Weinstein, M.D., is a clinical associate professor of medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine. He is founder and chairman of the Greater Prince William Chem- Bioterrorism Preparedness Committee and a member of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Bioterrorism Task Force. He assisted in the counterterrorism security preparations for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has been a consultant to the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Defense, and Justice. Kenneth Alibek, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., is a distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at George Mason University, and the Executive Director for the University's Center for Biodefense. Prior to his defection to the United States in 1992, he was a Colonel in the Soviet Army and First Deputy Director of Biopreparat, the Soviet Union's offensive biological weapons program. He has consulted with many U.S. government agencies and departments, including Defense, Justice, and Health and Human Services, and has provided expert testimony before the U.S. Congress. The first book specifically designed to lead you through identification of the most likely biological or chemical weapons used in a bioterrorist attack. Through an easily accessible cross-referencing chart, you will be able to look up suspicious symptoms presented by unexpected clusters of patients, and then quickly find detailed descriptions of the most likely causes. The book lists and describes 43 biological and chemical weapons in detail, including clinical and laboratory identification, treatment, and personal precautions. BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL TERRORISM is: Comprehensive - the single most complete description of biological and chemical weapons available Easy-to-use - valuable tear-out charts of biological and chemical weapons, lists of internet sites, and CDC telephone numbers are designed to be posted and referred to at-a-glance Quick and concise for use at any stage of an attack - whether in preparation beforehand or taken off the shelf during an actual emergency The first published text to include chemical warfare identification and treatment Written by two experts with unparalleled and broad-ranging knowledge of these weapons Whether you are a primary care physician, nurse practitioner, ER physician, or any other firstline healthcare provider, you will benefit from this practical and authoritative guide. It is the only book available today to give you the complete information necessary to handle a bioterrorist emergency with speed, accuracy, and confidence.
Nakladatel: Thieme, Stuttgart
Rok vydání: 2003
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 192
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