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Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma

Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma
10 %

2221  Kč 2 477 Kč

Expedice za 2 až 3 dny

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
With the goal of simplifying the diagnosis and treatment process, Drs. Zimmerman and Kooner introduce Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma. This new decision-making guide offers 22 chapters on topics ranging from childhood and neovascular glaucoma to drug-induced glaucoma and management of glaucoma in pregnancy. Each chapter is consistently laid out in the same organized format: Definition, Epidemiology and Importance, Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis, Treatment and Management, and Future Considerations. Beneath each heading, a series of questions are posed, each followed by an answer and explanation, making it easy to quickly pinpoint the information you are looking for. Accompanied by step-by-step algorithms, cross-references, and dozens of drawings, charts and tables, Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma is a complete reference for specialists at all levels. This practical, clinically oriented text is designed for everyday use by ophthalmologists, glaucoma specialists, and residents. For easy- to-use, comprehensive information on today's challenging cases, Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma is ideal. With the goal of simplifying the diagnosis and treatment process, Drs. Zimmerman and Kooner introduce Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma. This new decision-making guide offers 22 chapters on topics ranging from childhood and neovascular glaucoma to drug-induced glaucoma and management of glaucoma in pregnancy. Each chapter is consistently laid out in the same organized format: Definition, Epidemiology and Importance, Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis, Treatment and Management, and Future Considerations. Beneath each heading, a series of questions are posed, each followed by an answer and explanation, making it easy to quickly pinpoint the information you are looking for. Accompanied by step-by-step algorithms, cross-references, and dozens of drawings, charts and tables, Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma is a complete reference for specialists at all levels. This practical, clinically oriented text is designed for everyday use by ophthalmologists, glaucoma specialists, and residents. For easy- to-use, comprehensive information on today's challenging cases, Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma is ideal.
Nakladatel: Thieme, Stuttgart
Rok vydání: 2000
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 565
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