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Breast Cancer: Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic Guidance

Breast Cancer: Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic Guidance
10 %

3675  Kč 4 100 Kč

Expedice za 2 až 3 dny

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Breast Cancer: Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic Guidance provides a concise, practical, and practice-based source of up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic information for the general radiologist. In the diagnostic phase of evaluating breast disorders, the overriding consideration in the examination and assessment is to reduce false diagnoses to the absolute minimum-a principle wholly in the interests of the patient. The particular diagnostic pathway chosen will depend on the highly variable individual presentations and the associated findings. A major focus of the book is the comparative value of the various diagnostic imaging modalities. As well as discussing conventional mammography and adjunct modalities such as breast ultrasound and galactography, the text also showcases the superior utility of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in providing the highest rate of detection of cancers at any stage. As well as radiological diagnosis, sections written by top specialists cover the interventional procedures for obtaining biopsies and also the surgical and medical therapy of breast carcinoma. Key Features: Combined authors' experience of more than 100 years provides this work with great depth and expertise. Richly illustrated with almost 600 images, including full color histology, patient photographs, and hundreds of radiological studies. BI-RADS classification for mammography, breast ultrasound, and breast MRI. Adjunct topics covered include screening and staging; lymph nodes; breast reconstruction; chemotherapy, also with respect to endocrine-active tumors; radiation therapy; tumors of the male breast; logistics in the breast care center; and psychosocial care. Breast Cancer: Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic Guidance is certain to prove an invaluable tool for all general radiologists involved in the evaluation and treatment of patients with breast cancer.
Nakladatel: Thieme, Stuttgart
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 254
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