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Clinical Epidemiology of Chronic Liver Disease

Clinical Epidemiology of Chronic Liver Disease
13 %

2900  Kč 3 348 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Introduction - Robert Wong, Alameda Health System and Robert Gish, Stanford University Principles of Clinical Epidemiology - Jerry Gardner, Science for Organizations Understanding Study Design for Clinical Epidemiology Studies - Irene Yen, University of California, San Francisco Understanding the Interpretation of Disease Incidence and Prevalence - Sarah Larney, National Drug and Alcohol Research Center, Australia Understanding Survival Analyses - Jerry Gardner, Science for Organizations Epidemiology of Liver Disease - Worldwide Perspective - Nimzing Ladep, Imperial College London and Mamun Al-Mahtab, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Epidemiology of Liver Disease in the U.S. - Michael Volk, Loma Linda Alcoholic Liver Disease - Ashwani Singal, University of Alabama Hepatitis B Virus - The Asian Perspective - Man-Fung Yuen, University of Hong Kong Hepatitis B Virus - The African Perspective - Ramou Njie, MRC Unit Gambia Hepatitis B Virus - Western Perspective - Robert Wong, Alameda Health System and Robert Gish, Stanford University Hepatitis D Virus - Mario Rizzetto, University of Torino, Molinette Hospital Hepatitis C Virus - Joseph Lim, Yale University and Imam Waked, National Liver Institute Egypt Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E Virus - Mohammad Sultan Khuroo, Kashmir, India and Elisabetta Franco, Rome, Italy Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - Edward Holt, California Pacific Medical Center Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Hashem El-Serag, Baylor Medical Center, Houston Autoimmune Liver Diseases and Cholestatic Liver Diseases - Michael Manns, Hannover Medical School, Germany Genetic and Inherited Liver Diseases - Kris Kowdley, University of Washington Cryptogenic Liver Diseases and other - Peter Bypass, University of Aberdeen Summary - Robert Wong, Alameda Health System and Robert Gish, Stanford University
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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