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General Medicine and Surgery for Dental Practitioners

General Medicine and Surgery for Dental Practitioners
9 %

3158  Kč 3 489 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
History and Examination in the Clothed Patient in the Dental Surgery.- The Cardiovascular System and Dental Practice.- The Respiratory System and Dental Practice.- The Gastrointestinal System and Dental Practice.- Neurological Disorders and Dental Practice.- Liver Disease and Dental Practice.- The Endocrine System and Dental Practice.- Renal Disorders and Dental Practice.- The Musculoskeletal System and Dental Practice.- Haematology and Patients with Bleeding Problems and Dental Practice.- Metabolic Disorders and Dental Practice.- Skin Disorders and Dental Practice.- Psychiatry and Dental Practice.- Cancer, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy and Dental Practice.- The Paediatric Patient and Dental Practice.- The Older Patient and Dental Practice.- Medical Emergencies in Dentistry.- Infections and Infection Control in Dental Practice.- Immunology and the Dental Practitioner.
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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