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Human Parasitology

Human Parasitology

2643  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
1. Symbiosis and Parasitism 2. Parasite-Host Interactions Part I: The Protozoa 3. General Characteristics of the Euprotista (Protozoa) 4. Visceral Protozoa I: (Amoebae) and Ciliophorans 5. Visceral Protozoa II: Flagellates 6. Blood and Tissue Protozoa I: Hemoflagellates 7. Blood and Tissue Protozoa II: Human Malaria 8. Blood and Tissue Protozoa III: Other Protists Part II: The Trematoda 9. General Characteristics of the Trematoda 10. Visceral Flukes 11. Blood Flukes Part III: The Cestoda 12. General Characteristics of the Cestoda 13. Intestinal Tapeworms 14. Extraintestinal Tapeworms Part IV: The Nematoda 15. General Characteristics of the Nematoda 16. Intestinal Nematodes 17. Blood and Tissue Nematodes Part V: Arthropoda 18. Arthropods as Vectors Appendix A. Drugs for Parasitic Infections: Partial List of Generic and Name Brands B. Current Chemotherapeutic Regiments C. Adverse Effects of Antiparasitic Drugs
Nakladatel: Elsevier Science & Technology
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 422
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