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Cell-free DNA as Diagnostic Markers

Cell-free DNA as Diagnostic Markers
13 %

3624  Kč 4 186 Kč

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Part I: An Overview 1. Cell Free DNA: Applications in Different Diseases Rossella Ranucci 2. Cell Free DNA: An Overview of Sample Types and Isolation Procedures Filippo Martignano Part II: A Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Disease 3. Circulating Cell Free DNA and Cancer Therapy Monitoring: Methods and Potential Peter B. Gahan 4. Cell Free DNA in the Liquid Biopsy Context: Role and Differences between ctDNA and CTC Marker in Cancer Management Pietro Fici Part III: Methods in Cancer 5. Cell Free DNA Integrity: Applications Sara Ravaioli 6. Copy Number Variation Analysis on Cell Free Serum DNA Heidi Schwarzenbach 7. Studying Copy Number Variations in Cell Free DNA: The Example of AR in Prostate Cancer Samanta Salvi and Valentina Casadio 8. dPCR Mutational Analyses in Cell-free DNA: A Comparison With Tissues Takashi Takeshita and Hirotaka Iwase 9. From cfDNA to Sequencing: Workflows and Potentials Michela Tebaldi and Samanta Salvi Part IV: Epigenetic Modifications 10. Epigenetic Characterization of Cell Free DNA Giorgia Gurioli 11. Quantitative Methylation-specific PCR: A Simple Method for Studying Epigenetic Modifications of Cell Free DNA Luca Sigalotti, Alessia Covre, Francesca Colizzi, and Elisabetta Fratta Part V: Fetal and Pediatric Diseases 12. Cell Free DNA in Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma: Potential and Challenges Lucia Tombolan, Angelica Zin, and Gianni Bisogno 13. Bioinformatics Pipeline for Accurate Quantification of Fetal DNA Fraction in Maternal Plasma Meng Ni, Xianlu Laura Peng, and Peiyong Jiang Part VI: Physical Activity 14. Circulating Cell-Free DNA in Physical Activities LN Vittori, A. Tarozzi, and P. Maietta Latessa Part VII: Urinary Cell Free DNA 15. Urinary Cell Free DNA: Potential and Applications Samanta Salvi and Valentina Casadio 16. Urinary Cell Free DNA: Isolation, Quantification, Quality Assessment Valentina Casadio and Samanta Salvi
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2019
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 205
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