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The Belgium & Netherlands Coffee Guide 2012

The Belgium & Netherlands Coffee Guide 2012
35 %

243  Kč 371 Kč

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The Belgium & Netherlands Coffee Guide 2012 is the definitive guide to the top 100 coffee venues in Belgium and the Netherlands. From cutting-edge newcomers to enduring favourites and hidden gems, the cafés and coffee bars included in this book represent the thriving coffee culture of these regions. This guide features detailed profiles of the best coffee bars from Groningen to Brussels, authoritative coffee ratings and colourful maps to help readers discover the finest coffee in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Nakladatel: Allegra Publications
ISBN: 978-0-9572040-0-3
Rok vydání: 2012
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: brožovaná
Počet stran: 176
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