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How to be a WWE Superstar

How to be a WWE Superstar
18 %

125  Kč 152 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Discover how the WWE Superstars prepare for the ring, work their way to the main event and become WWE World Champions. With inspirational photos of some of the most beloved Superstars like John Cena and Seth Rollins, young readers will love diving into the world of WWE. DK's reading scheme is levelled into stages to help every child progress and become a confident reader. WWE How to be a Superstar is a Level 2 Reader: Beginning to Read, featuring engaging and highly illustrated topics with true kid appeal. Narrative spreads are supported with captions and annotations, and a quiz, to encourage children to develop comprehension skills. TM & © 2017 WWE. All Rights Reserved.
Nakladatel: Dorling Kindersley UK
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