Termín obdržení zásilky
Česká pošta Pondělí 10.06
PPL Pondělí 10.06
Osobní odběr Úterý 11.06
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20 %

189  Kč 235 Kč

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The death of General Gordon in Khartoum at the hand of the Dervishes is one of the most celebrated events in the history of the 19th century. Equally dramatic, but perhaps less well-known, is the extraordinary battle 14 years later in which Kitchener avenged the murder of Gordon at Omdurman.
Nakladatel: Pen & Sword Books Ltd
ISBN: 9780850529944
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
Počet stran: CZE
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