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Paulin Hountondji

Paulin Hountondji

1524  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Acknowledgements Chapter 1: Introduction Part I: Critique of Ethnophilosophy, the Debate with Contemporaries and Hountondji's Turn to Endogenous Knowledges Chapter 2: Hountondji's Critique of Ethnophilosophy and his Notion of African Philosophy Chapter 3: The Debate on Ethnophilosophy between Hountondji and his Contemporary Critics Chapter 4: Path-clearing: Philosophy and History, Scientific Dependency, and Hountondji's Turn to Endogenous Knowledge Part II: Hountondji's Political Oeuvre Chapter 5: Hountondji as a Public Intellectual and his Political Career Part III: Hountondji as a Global Thinker Chapter 6: New Approaches to Scientific Dependency and Extraversion: Southern Theory, Epistemic Justice and the Quest to Decolonize Academia Chapter 7: Hountondji's Notion of Culture and his Critique of Identitarian Politics Chapter 8: Debating the Universal as an Unfinished Project and Regulative Ideal Chapter 9: A Preliminary Conclusion Interview with Paulin Hountondji References Index
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2019
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 132
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