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Naked in Svalbard, Poems about a Fool Visiting the North Pole

Naked in Svalbard, Poems about a Fool Visiting the North Pole

308  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih

What happens when a poet, with a lust for life and all that\'s in it, decides to record his travels and thoughts? An anthology of verse that reflects humor, love, joy, sadness, and lyrical \"Aha!\" moments is born! Naked in Svalbard, by Pepe Subirana, invites the reader to explore the reflective regions of a poet\'s soul. Subirana discovered a tiny, magical island in Svalbard, near the North Pole. During his stay there, he found life to be a heaven of delights and pleasures-his prose eloquently and beautifully reflects his feelings. Through his melodic, crystal clear voice, you\'ll discover meditative sensations about varied and controversial issues-from religion to the perils of vanity to need versus want. Subirana\'s verses are to be savored slowly-with thought, emotion and vision-you\'ll find yourself drawn into an enlightenment of self and the world around you. Escape the world of normal and step into the world of Pepe Subirana, the crazy Spanish torero. You\'ll be glad you did.

ISBN: 1608602990
Rok vydání: 2009
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: brožovaná/paperback
Počet stran: 28