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Predicting Corporate Financial Distress

Predicting Corporate Financial Distress
22 %

1570  Kč 2 016 Kč

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This book presents a study which makes the first attempt to construct a particular financial distress prediction model for growth enterprises on the Growth Enterprise Markets in Hong Kong and mainland China. This study firstly establishes two financial distress prediction models: one incorporating financial factors and the other incorporating non-financial and macroeconomic factors. Based on these two models, the present work develops a financial distress prediction model, which uses all the three sets of factors. It has been found that the model including firm-specific non-financial and macroeconomic factors performs better in predicting growth enterprises financial distress than does the model including firm-specific financial factors. Moreover, the model that considers all the three sets of factors has better predictive ability than does the model that incorporates firm-specific financial factors. It can be envisaged that investors, auditors and policymakers of the special markets would find the conclusion of this work extremely useful.
Nakladatel: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Rok vydání: 2013
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 348
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