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Groundwater in the Nile Delta

Groundwater in the Nile Delta
11 %

9143  Kč 10 291 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
An Overview of Groundwater resources In the Nile Delta aquifer.- Land and Groundwater Resources in the Egypt's Nile Valley, Delta and its Fringes.- Use of Groundwater in Nile Alluvial Soils and Their Fringes.- Ground water and agriculture in the Nile Delta.- Sedimentological Characteristics of the Quaternary Groundwater Aquifer, Northwestern Nile Delta, Egypt.- Hydrogeophysical Characteristics of the central Nile Delta aquifer.- Resistivity Characterization of Aquifer In Coastal Semi Arid-Areas: An Approach For Hydrogeological Evaluation.- Hydrogeophysical Investigations at El-Nubariya -Wadi El-Natrun Area, West Nile Delta, Egypt.- Salinization and Origin of the Coastal Shallow Groundwater Aquifer, Northwestern Nile Delta, Egypt.- Soil Aquifer Treatment System Design Equation for Organic Micropollutant Removal.- Investigation of Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers.- Control of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers.- 1D subsurface temperature profiles to characterize the groundwater flow system in the northwestern part of the Nile Delta, Egypt.- Use of Geoelectrical Resistivity to Delineate the Seawater Intrusion in the Northwestern Part of the Nile Delta, Egypt.- Integrated Subsurface Thermal Regime and Hydrogeochemical Data to Delineate the Groundwater Flow System and Seawater Intrusion in the Middle Nile Delta, Egypt.- Integrated Groundwater Modeling for Simulation Saltwater Intrusion in the Nile Delta Aquifer, Egypt.- Groundwater Modeling and Assessment under Uncertain Hydrological Conditions for Egyptian Sahara.- Groundwater Potential in the New Valley South West the Nile Delta in Egypt.- Hydrogeochemistry and Quality Assessment of Groundwater Under Some Central Nile Delta Villages, Egypt.- Assessment of the Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation.- Purposes in the Central Nile Delta Region, Egypt.- Groundwater Management for Sustainable Development East of the Nile Delta Aquifer.- Groundwater Management for Sustainable Development Plans for the Western Nile Delta.- Conclusions and Recommendations.
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 750
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