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Česká pošta Čtvrtek 06.06
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Osobní odběr Pátek 07.06
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Girls on the Up

 Girls on the Up
13 %

188  Kč 216 Kč

Odesíláme do 1 až 2 týdnů

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Andie dreams of being an artist. Her best paintings are inspired by the moon, and she's excited to watch the first moon landing. She loves staying in Chelsea, where there's even a real artist living in the flat downstairs. But does Andie dare to show him her work? Previously published as Historical House: Andie's Moon.
Nakladatel: Usborne Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781474954990
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
Počet stran: CZE
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